Discussing self-sovereign identities in the context of managing personal data on the Internet is gaining popularity. The concepts of personal sovereignty and complete control over who can access our data and under what conditions are highly appealing. However, numerous technical and economic challenges hinder the realization of personal sovereignty. The advancement of electronic document management could potentially diminish personal sovereignty over time. A prominent case study in this field is Solid, a project by Tim Berners-Lee, a pioneer of the Internet, aimed at decentralizing the web and empowering users with data control. Initiatives like Solid and similar projects have the potential to prompt a reassessment of current data management practices and a reshaping of the social networks and services market. Topics for discussion during the session may include: The feasibility of such projects The possibility of achieving the same level of convenience in a decentralized system like Solid compared to today's centralized services The implications and costs for users transitioning to such a system Potential new opportunities for users The impact on the advertising market Funding sources for decentralization and technology development Evaluating whether user privacy justifies the associated changes At the start of the session, the moderator will provide the opening remarks, establishing the framework for the discussion. Thereafter, the speaker will take the stage and highlight the core theme of the session. The moderator will then encourage interactive dialogue between both online and in-person participants. Finally, the moderator will summarize the key points covered and conclude the session.