Description: Gender disparities in graduates' fields vary significantly worldwide. In STEM fields, women represent only 32% of graduates across OECD nations. Globally, women are more inclined to graduate from business, law, health, and welfare studies, but this trend varies by country-- in Argentina and Indonesia, women predominantly graduate from education programs, while in India from social sciences, journalism, or information, and in Italy from arts and humanities (OECD). However, societal gender norms may perpetuate disparities in study and career choices between genders, including in Internet network engineering, cybersecurity, and other technical roles within the industry. This session is aimed at discussing challenges, opportunities and promoting diversity and inclusion in the Internet industry in developing economies. Joined by women engineers and support organizations, the session will discuss challenges and opportunities related to technical skills (in areas such as network engineering, cybersecurity, and DNS) and doing business and showcase success stories in the Internet industry. The session will strive to realize the following objectives: - Highlight the importance of gender diversity and inclusion in Internet network engineering and technical roles in the regions that are underserved. - Discuss challenges, barriers, and biases faced by women in pursuing careers in Internet network engineering and identify strategies to overcome them. - Showcase success stories and achievements of women professionals on the Internet, highlighting their contributions and impact. - Explore opportunities for skill development, professional development, networking, and leadership roles for women in the technology industry.