The DC IUI and DC SIG will explore the role of Internet Universality Indicators in Schools for IG and the contribution that inclusion of the IUI in curricula of SIG can make to the Schools and to the necessary capacity building in Internet Governance.
The Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators, which was launched at the IGF 2020, has played a critical role in advancing Internet Governance in over 40 countries through the promotion of the ROAM-X principles, which call for an Internet that is human (R )ights-based, (O)pen, (A)ccessible to all, nurtured by (M)ultistakeholder participation and that addresses (X) cross-cutting issues of the Internet such as gender equality and sustainable development. The Coalition has organized meetings and sessions consistently during global IGF and regional IGF conferences in Africa, Asia Pacific and other high-level events where UNESCO is actively engaged. Schools on Internet Governance (SIGs) are important initiatives that help with creating and strengthening capacity in Internet Governance. Regional SIGs have been operating in all the regions of the world, while national SIGs exist in many, but not all, countries. The DC-SIGs provide a common platform where SIGs can discuss matters of their interest, share information, share innovations and discuss adaptive mechanisms as they evolve. While the global pandemic did adversely impact many SIGs, most are now back in a fully functional manner. The challenge for all schools is to keep on developing and adapting to new realities and to adjust the curriculum constantly. The four core principles of the IUI: rights-based, openness, accessibility to all and multi stakeholder participation are present in the capacity building activities organized by the Schools on Internet Governance. Profiting from the presence of SIG in many countries and regions, these capacity building spaces can promote the use of these indicators to evaluate and improve digital policies.